Worship Support Opportunities


One of the most important ways you can get invoved is to make a commitment to pray.  Pray for our church, our members, those who are looking for a church family.

Opportunities for Worship

Our regular worship services every Sunday includes Sunday School at 9:30 am:  We have educational classes for all ages beginning with Nursery through Adult.

Our Worship Service begins at  10:30 am with Holy Communion celebrated each Sunday.  Those who commune in other churches may also take part in communion at Summer Memorial.

Lay Reader

A member reads the first and second lessons for each appropriate Sunday from the Lectern.  Presently Lay Readers will volunteer for each Sunday for a month; however, you may be flexible and there are those who will always assist during absences.

Communion Assistants

Assists the Pastor by serving the Holy Communion wine each Sunday and special Worship Services.  This person must be a confirmed member.

Usher /Greeter

Hand out bulletins in the Narthex, assist with seating, direct and/or assist members for communion, collect the offering.  Extend a warm greeting with a smile and handshake to all who worship, and assist visitors and guests within the church.

Altar Flowers

Provide flowers for the altar.  You may sign up for special dates on the flower chart.  At the end of the service, flowers may be taken home, given to a shut-in, or take to the hospital or nursing homes.

Senior Choir

Summer Memorial offers many opportunities for our music ministry.  The choir is open to adults and youth and serves our Worship Service each Sunday as well as special services.  This choir rehearses each Thursday at 7 pm in the choir room.  Rehearsals normally last an hour.  The members of the choir enjoy a fun time of fellowship as well as learning new hymns and preparation for the services.


Handbell Choir

A group of very talented ringers play our three-octave handbells for special festivals and other services.  We always are in need for ringers.


Children's Choir

The children perform special music during Christmas and Easter, and always enjoy outstanding performances following Vacation Church School.  The music is fun and easy to learn for the group's ages three-to-ten.  They normally rehearse prior to the special performance times.