Church Committees Format

The committees which report to the council will include the property committee, the finance committee, the faith committee, the worship committee, and the community compassion and outreach committee. 

At the beginning of the year, council will appoint at least one liaison for each committee. Each committee will submit a ministry plan for the following year by December 1.

The property committee shall see to the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation and shall take care that the same is kept in good repair. Responsibilities include but are not limited to kitchen supplies and maintenance, janitorial services, security of the building, and grounds upkeep.

The finance committee shall exercise oversight of all the financial affairs of the congregation, with particular attention to the prompt payment of all obligations. Responsibilities include but are not limited to arranging an annual audit of all church accounts, providing insurance, receiving memorials and special gifts, overseeing the tellers, and preparing a draft budget.

The faith formation committee shall, in association with the pastor, organize and oversee the schools and Christian education programs, promote the expression of Christian faith in daily living, and oversee the stewardship programs of the church, understanding stewardship to include opportunity, time, and money. Responsibilities of this committee include an annual vacation Bible school, Sunday school, youth and children's ministry, stewardship, confirmation, oversight of the child protection policy, and policies and procedures designed to keep members and guests of SMLC in a safe environment.

The worship committee shall, in association with the pastor, organize and oversee the worship practices of this congregation. Responsibilities of this committee include, but are not limited to, Training and scheduling worship assistance, meeting with the pastor and musicians, and maintaining an altar Guild responsible for the care, cleaning, and changing of the paraments, vestments, altar, and communion ware.

The community compassion an outreach committee shall oversee the care and welcome of congregation members as well as evangelism and outreach programs. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to come industry functions, evangelism and outreach, guest welcome and hospitality, Visitation of members coma meal serving groups, and social media.

The mutual ministry committee will consist of six members and the pastor with one year terms with an option to serve more than one. The six members will be the three members of the executive committee and three members of the congregation appointed by counsel. The purpose of this committee is to assist the pastor in his or her pastoral growth. This committee shall meet at least once a year to confidentially discuss any issues the pastor may have with the congregation and any issues the congregation may have with the pastor. This will include any needs of the pastor and of his or her family, including salary, housing allowance, and other issues of compensation for the committee to then make recommendations to the finance committee.